Step 1. defeat the ender dragon to activate the end city portal it should look like this and throw ender pearl through it to reach the area where end cities.
We will be making the 1:1 sized GTA V / GTA 5 map in Minecraft. This all started a long time ago when I decided to recreate just Michael's house in Minecraft.
For example, if you want to increase the mob spawn limit to 50, you would enter the command /gamerule maxEntityCramming 50. Install PaperMC, Spigot or Bukkit to.
Blaze rods are items exclusively obtained from blazes. They act as a fuel for both brewing and smelting, and are required to craft eyes of ender used to access.
To make green dye, just smelt a cactus block inside a furnace. To do this, obtain a cactus from the desert biome and place it in the top cell in the furnace.
The usual way to capture chickens is to hold seeds of any kind, which will make any chickens nearby follow you across the landscape and right into the pen.
Just dig a square hole 11 by 11 blocks and one block deep, then dig one more layer in a circle shape. You'll need an additional one-block-hole in the center.
Hay is made of wheat which can be harvested in the farm area (64 wheat = 1 haybale) Hay is one of the items needed to craft a mini cake needed for the king's.