How to find spawners in minecraft using f3

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  • Updated to 1.20

    A Mob Spawner can be quite valuable in Minecraft, but finding it is very tedious. While many players prefer to find them randomly while exploring caves, there are moments when you just need a Spawner to progress in your game, and you can’t find any!

    Today we are here to see what a Mob Spawner is, the different types of Mob Spawner and how to find them, and tips on how to find Dungeons.

    Let’s start!

    What is a Mob Spawner?

    A Mob Spawner is a block that looks like a cage. Inside it, there is a fast spinning smaller version of a mob.

    If a player is within 16 blocks, a mob (of the same kinf of the small spinning one) will spawn in a 9x3x9 volume around the Spawner.

    If you break a Spawner with a Pickaxe you will get 15-43 experience, if you break it with something else it will give nothing.

    It is impossible to move a Spawner, even with Pistons or a Silk Touch enchanted Pickaxe.

    Breaking a Spawner is usually a bad idea, considering all the benefits that you would lose with it.

    Having a Spawner lets you build a Spawner farm, whic

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