Minecraft commands mod

        1. Minecraft single player commands download
        2. Minecraft pe commands

        3. Minecraft pe commands
        4. Minecraft beta commands
        5. Minecraft single player commands mod
        6. Minecraft beta 1.7 3 mods
        7. Minecraft mod download
        8. Minecraft single player commands mod!

          (Old MC) Commands

          This is a jarmod that allows you to use commands (single player) for Minecraft Alpha and Infdev.

          Works for Minecraft inf-20100630-1, a1.0.9, a1.1.2_01, and a1.2.6 (see downloads)

          will expand to versions ranging from inf-227 to a1.2.6, after addressing various bugs and recommendations

          This mod is inspired by Mojang and Simo_415. SPC by Simo_415 first begins development in a1.2.6, so my goal was to add commands in versions prior to this.

          The interface leans more towards SPC, due to the nature of older versions.

          The differences are intended to make the mod easier to use for both old and new players.

          Commands: clear, fly, give, godmode, goto, heal, health, help, home, info, instamine, kill, killmob, listwaypoints, noclip, pos, rem, search, seed, set, setspawn, speed, spawn, teleport, time

          A full video showcasing the mod:

          [video will go public after mod verification]

          You can activate the interface by pressing and typing followed by a command name.

          Using will help you to get started. From there, will give you a command's description, syntax, and an