Minecraft cheat commands

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    Minecraft locate command list

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  • Commands, also known as cheats, are inputs you can use to control your world in Minecraft. Here's a complete list of Commands for the Java and Bedrock Editions and how to use them!

    List of Contents

    /clearClears items from player inventory.
    /cloneClones blocks from one region to another.
    /difficultySets the difficulty level.
    /effectAdd or remove status effects.
    /enchantAdds an enchantment to a player's selected item.
    /executeExecutes a command on behalf of one or more entities.
    /experienceAdds or removes player experience.
    /fillFills all or parts of a region with a specific block.
    /functionRuns commands found in the corresponding function file.
    /gamemodeSets a player's game mode.
    /gameruleSets or queries a game rule value.
    /giveGives an item to a player.
    /helpProvides help/list of commands.
    /kickKicks a player from the server.
    /killKills entities (players, mobs, etc.).
    /listLists players on the server.
    /locateDisplays the coordinates for the closest strucutre of a

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