Minecraft enchantment table highest levelSurrounding the table with bookshelves will give you access to higher enchantment levels, up to maximum level of 30. To reach level 30, you'll.
How to double enchant in minecraftgaming.stackexchange.com › questions › double-enchantment-glitch-in-mi.
How do enchanted books work in minecraftI have an enchantment book with silk touch 1, punch 1 and blast protection 3. Can I apply the book to a pickaxe even though punch and blast.
Minecraft how to get high enchantmentswww.reddit.com › Minecraft › comments › pfxvd8 › best_way_to_get_the.
Minecraft enchanting table recipeHow can you build an enchantment room in Minecraft? Well, this video shows you the perfect enchantment table bookshelf setup to get max.
Minecraft hidden enchanting roomIn this minecraft redstone tutorial I show you how to create a completely hidden enchanting room that lets you use your enchanting table at.
Trident enchants minecraftI recommend Impaling V, Riptide III, Unbreaking III and Mending. The trident is worse in every single way than a sword, only advantage of it is that it's.
Minecraft how to enchant items with commandsTo enchant the nearest player's held sword with Sharpness 5: /enchant @p.
Most enchanted sword in minecraft1. Mending Enchantment · 2. Unbreaking Enchantment · 3. Sharpness Enchantment · 4. Looting.