How to make a oven in minecraft with campfire

    how to make a stove in minecraft
    how to make a stove in minecraft education
    how to make a stove in minecraft farmers delight
    how to make a stove in minecraft survival
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  • How to make a oven in minecraft no mods

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    Introduction: Realistic Smoke-Free Minecraft Stove Top/Oven and Sink

    Ever make a creative world to create a city, kingdom, town or even just a house? Sometimes the hardest room to make on Minecraft is the kitchen or living room (Couch Instructable coming soon).

    But now I can show you how to make a kitchen stove/oven!


    Here are the simple things needed to create a stove top/oven:


    -Any Block (Smooth Stone looks best)


    -Minecart with Hopper

    -Iron Trapdoor

    -Any Trapdoor (Birch looks best)


    -Any Redstone Activator (Lever, button, etc)

    -Lever (Under certain circumstances)

    Here are the materials to make a simple kitchen sink:


    -Water Bucket

    -Light Blue or other dye (Optional)

    -Tripwire Hook

    Step 1: Stove: Make Base

    First, set up the base of the stove.

    How to make a sink in minecraft

    Place the campfire down and a block on top of it. On the block, place the rail and Minecart with Hopper. Break the block to allow the minecart to drop down onto the campfire.

    Step 2: Add Iron Trapdoor

    Now to make it look more like a stovetop, place an iron trapdoor two block

      how to make a stove in minecraft creative
      how to make a cooker in minecraft